Custom Requests
Within every stone is a future J’aimestones®. Within every J’aimestones® is the expression of Heaven & Earth in timeless creations which are divinely inspired.
When you wear a J’aimestones® you’re wearing the world … of Nature, Human Nature, and their divinely inspired love story. For the individual who has everything, singularity is the only thing. Let us further enchant you, with a bespoke creation that is as personal and individual as you.
- Every J’aimestones® creation is numbered & stamped for authenticity, and presented in our official stamped gift box with a personalised word from its creator, Alison.
- While J’aimestones® does not purchase raw stone submissions, we will exceptionally offer to buy your stone outright if we feel it bears rare and unusual natural characteristics.
- J’aimestones® is grateful for your stone submission, however we can only guarantee the regional authenticity of stones we personally find. Therefore when we upload your finished submitted piece to our online archives we will mark “contributor piece” accordingly.
- J’aimestones® is not responsible for the manner in which contributor stones are found, however we ask that environmental sensitivity be respected in the same manner we try to bring to our ongoing search on your behalf.
We thank you for your understanding — and so does Nature.
Let us enchant you with a J’aimestones® creation of your own design, or that of our own artistic interpretation.
Your Custom Request
We appreciate your inquiry and look forward to enchanting you.
Please provide your custom request inquiry via e-mail – to – along with the below info. We will send you further details and an initial cost estimate without obligation.
- company (optional)
- first name
- last name
- telephone (optional)
- your preferred J’aimestones® category (e.g. Pendants, Earrings, Objets d’Art)
- your preferred Price Range
- your individual specifications